Quotes from Season 4

Episode 402: Thirty-Eight Snub

Walt and gun seller in a motel room [0:00-4:41 / Prologue]

Walt:         So?  How does it look?

gun seller:  You mean–Do I see it?  Yes.  Do you see it?  Basically, any lawman worth his salt’s going to spot that, yeah.  Assuming that’s a deal breaker?

Walt:         Yes.  It’s a deal breaker.

gun seller:  Well, if stealth is what you’re aspiring to, you best go with something more compact–38 Special snub nose.  Got a concealed hammer so it doesn’t catch on your belt when you draw.  Tried and true, no nonsense about it.

Walt:         Five shots?

gun seller:  Yep.

Walt:         Automatic has how many?

gun seller:  Ten in the mag, one in the chamber.  If you can’t get it done with five, then you’re into spray and pray, in which case I wouldn’t count on another six closing the deal.  You load that with 158 grain hollow points instead of your standard wad cutters.  It’s got plenty of stopping power.  Can’t get more dependable than a wheel gun.  Here.  Try it on with this.  That snub–you’ll conceal real nice if you carry it IWB.  Little harder to draw from, but there’s really no substitute if you’re intent on fooling a vigilant eye.  Comes in polymer, too.  I prefer the feel of leather.  Old school, I guess.

Walt:         Yeah, um… You sure it’s on the correct side?

gun seller:  If you’re right-handed, it is.

Walt:         I don’t know… Are you sure because maybe it’ll feel better on the left side.

gun seller:  General rule–You don’t want to cross draw, not unless you’re going to be sitting, you know, store clerks, card gamers, and such.  Either way, you’re going to want to practice your draw a lot because if you’re all fingers, well, it might could be him keeping your piece instead of you.  Catch my drift?

Walt:         What’s this?

gun seller:  That there’s why you’re going to pay me five times what you’d pay your neighborhood gun store.

Walt:         Serial number has been filed off.  So to state the obvious–I don’t want to be caught with this on me.

gun seller:  No sir, to state the obvious, you don’t.  You know, mister, I’ve been providing my services for the past 30-odd years.  You’d think in that time I’d learn better than to ask a man his business, especially about one referred by the lawyer, but I do feel the urge to ask you: We strictly talking defense here?

Walt:         Yes–absolutely.  Defense.  Why?

gun seller:  Because if it’s just personal protection, aside from a bucket of money, you’d save yourself a potential felony two-spot for carrying a weapon with a defaced serial number if you’d just buy it legally.

Walt:         Yeah, but if you did have to use it, wouldn’t it still be better to use one that couldn’t be traced?

gun seller:  This is the West, boss.  New Mexico’s not a retreat jurisdiction.  Man steps to you bent on doing bodily harm, you’ve got every right to plant your feet and shoot to kill.  Some call it a moral right, and I do include myself within that class.  All this to say I’m happy to take your money, but if you’re not a convicted felon, you might best be advised to bear your arms within the confines of the law.

Walt:         It’s for defense.  Defense.  I’ll take it.


Episode 406: Cornered

Walt and Skyler in their bedroom [4:45-9:58 / Act One]

Walt:         Skyler, I don’t entirely remember what happened last night.  I mean, if I said some things–

Skyler:       Did you know this Gale Boetticher person?

Walt:         Skyler, I can’t even focus.  I don’t–

Skyler:       Gale Boetticher.  Did you know him?

Walt:         Ha.  Oh, my God.  What?  What exactly did I say last night?

Skyler:       Just enough.  Did you work together?  Who killed him?  Was it the people you work for?

Walt:         Definitely not.

Sklyer:       Was it somebody who… at one point might want to do the same to you?

Walt:         I seriously doubt it.  No.

Sklyer:       I think I know what happened last night, Walter.

Walt:         I know exactly what happened last night.  I drank too much wine.

Sklyer:       You told Hank that the man he was looking for might still be out there, that it might not be this Boetticher after all.  And I was up all night wondering why you would say that to him.

Walt:         Because I was drunk, Skyler.

Sklyer:       No, but then–but then I was remembering your black eye–your, uh, business disagreement that you don’t want to talk about.

Walt:         I don’t want to talk about any of this ever.  The firewall, all right?  Church and state.  That’s how we need to approach this thing.

Sklyer:       And then I remembered the message you left me the other day when you said you loved me.  When I heard that, I thought that maybe you–I don’t know–that you were regretting what’s happened between us, and I get that.  After last night, I–Walt, I think you’re scared.  I think that message was some kind of goodbye.

Walt:         No, Skyler.

Sklyer:       I think last night was a cry for help.

Walt:         Oh, Jesus–cry for help?!

Sklyer:       I think some part of you wants Hank to catch you.

Walt:         Wow!  That is just–that is–that is it!  Exactly!  yes!  You’re like Dr. Joyce Brothers here!  God!

Sklyer:       If he caught you, at least this would all be over.

Walt:         Oh, yeah.  That’s a tremendous weight just lifted off of me.  Now I– I understand myself.  Thank you.  Thank you.

Sklyer:       Walt, I’ve said it before.  If you are in danger, we go to the police.

Walt:         Oh, no.  I don’t want to hear about the police.

Sklyer:       I do not say that lightly.  I know what it could do to this family.  But if it’s the only real choice we have– If it’s either that or your getting shot when you open your front door–

Walt:         I don’t want to hear about the police.

Sklyer:       You’re not some hardened criminal, Walt.  You’re in over your head.  That’s what we tell them.  That’s the truth.

Walt:         That is not the truth.

Sklyer:       Of course it is.  A schoolteacher?  Cancer?  Desperate for money?

Walt:         Okay, we’re done here.

Sklyer:       Roped into working for… Unable to even quit?  You told me that yourself, Walt.  Jesus, what was I thinking?  Walt, please.  Let’s both of us stop trying to justify this whole thing and admit you’re in danger.

Walt:         Who are you talking to right now?  Who is it you think you see?  Do you know how much I make a year?  I mean, even if I told you, you wouldn’t believe it.  Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to stop going in to work?  A business big enough that it could be listed on the NASDAQ goes belly-up, disappears.  It ceases to exist without me.  No.  You clearly don’t know who you’re talking to, so let me clue you in.  I am not in danger, Skyler.  I am the danger.  A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me?  No!  I am the one who knocks!


Episode 407: Problem Dog

Jesse at his NA group meeting [33:10-38:24 / Act Four]

counselor:  So the truth is–we can’t change the past.  What’s done is done.  We’ve got to own our actions, but putting ourselves on trial, acting as our own judge, jury, and executioner, it’s not the answer because a lot of the time all that judging does is just ensure that we’re going to repeat the cycle….  Jesse–What’s going on with you these days?

Jesse:         I went back to the crystal.

counselor:  You sober now?

Jesse:         Yeah.  Four days.  Big whoop, right?

counselor:  Four days is four days.  You’re here.  You still working at the laundry?  How are things there?

Jesse:         Sucks ass.

counselor:  Anything you want to talk about?

Jesse:         Uh–a couple of weeks back I–uh–killed a dog.

counselor:  You hit it with your car?

Jesse:         No–um–I put him down.  I watched him go.  I was looking him straight in the eye and you know, he didn’t know what was happening.  He didn’t know why.  He was just scared, and then he was gone.

woman:     He was suffering.  It was a kindness.

Jesse:         No, he wasn’t sick.  No, he was just like a … I don’t know, like a problem dog.

woman:     What’d he do?  Bite someone?

Jesse:         Uh, this dog never–never bit anybody.  He was, uh…

woman:     Well, what was the problem?  Why did you have to kill him?

counselor:  Watch the cross-talk, please.  Maybe it’s not the details that matter.  Right?  How’d you feel about what you did, Jesse?

Jesse:         I don’t know.

woman:     Who cares how you feel?  What kind of a person kills a dog for no reason?  You put an ad in the paper.  You drop him off at a shelter.  You just don’t sit there and talk about killing a helpless innocent animal.

counselor:  Colleen!  We’re not here to sit in judgment.

Jesse:         Why not?  Why not?  Maybe–maybe she’s right, you know?  Maybe I should have put it in the paper.  Maybe I should have done something different.  The thing is–if you just do stuff and nothing happens, what’s it all mean?  What’s the point?  Oh right–this whole thing is about self-acceptance.

counselor:  Kicking the hell out of yourself doesn’t give meaning to anything.

Jesse:         So I should stop judging and accept?

counselor:  It’s a start.

Jesse:         So no matter what I do, hooray for me because I’m a great guy?  It’s all good?  No matter how many dogs I kill, I just what?–do an inventory and accept?  I mean, you back your truck over your own kid and you, like, accept?  What a load of crap!

counselor:  Hey, Jesse, I know you’re in pain.

Jesse:         No, no.  You know what–why I’m here in the first place?  Is to sell you meth!  You’re nothing to me but customers!  I made you my bitch!  You okay with that?  Huh?  You accept?

counselor:  No.

Jesse:         About time.


Episode 408: Hermanos

Walt and patient at oncology clinic [3:15-5:50 / Act One]

patient:      So is this the loud one?

Walt:         What?

patient:      I can never remember.  Is this the loud machine with the magnets?

Walt:         No.  This is the PET/CT scan.  Positron emission tomography.  They pair that with the computed X-ray tomography.  Quiet.  No magnets.

patient:      Right.  Okay.  Yeah, thanks.  I’m still pretty new at this.  I mean, one minute I’m starting a new business.  My wife and I are thinking about having kids.  Walk into a doctor’s office, and suddenly, boom–Life as I know it–

Walt:         Excuse me.  Yes.  I’m—I’m waiting to hear a progress report on that thing we discussed.  So call me.

patient:      Anyway, so for me, that’s been the biggest wake-up call–letting go, giving up control.  It’s like they say–you know–Man plans and God laughs.

Walt:         That is such bull____.

patient:      Excuse me?

Walt:         Never give up control.  Live life on your own terms.

patient:      Yeah, I get what you’re saying.  But cancer’s cancer, so–

Walt:         Oh, to hell with your cancer.  I’ve been living with cancer for the better part of a year.  Right from the start, it’s a death sentence.  It’s what they keep telling me.  Well, guess what?  Every life comes with a death sentence.  So every few months, I come in here for my regular scan, knowing full well that one of these times– hell, maybe even today–I’m going to hear some bad news.  But until then, who’s in charge?  Me.  That’s how I live my life.


Episode 412: End Times

Walt and Skyler in their bedroom [0:00-3:05 / Prologue]

Walt:         Skyler, Skyler.  I’m not going.

Skyler:       What?

Walt:         I’m not going to Hank and Marie’s.  I’m not going anywhere.

Skyler:       But you said we’re in danger.

Walt:         Yes, that’s true–because of me.

Skyler:       It doesn’t matter now.  All that matters is–

Walt:         All that matters is that the rest of you are safe, and that’s why I’m not going with you.  I’m the real target.

Skyler:       But we’ll all be safer at Hank’s.

Walt:         No, no, no.  No one will be safe at Hank’s if I’m there.

Skyler:       Walt, it’s the DEA.

Walt:         Skyler, you don’t know these people.  Skyler, please trust me.  This is how it has to be.

Skyler:       Walt, those agents outside–they’re not going to just leave you here!  It’s called protective custody.

Walt:         All they know is that Hank is the only person that’s in danger.  They’re including us only as a courtesy to Marie, just to keep her happy.

Skyler:       How am I supposed to explain that to Marie or Junior or Hank–for that matter?

Walt:         I don’t know, but you’ll do it.  You’ll figure it out.  Hank knows that Marie will be overreacting.

Skyler:       Except she’s not.

Walt:         I’ll talk to Hank.  You just back me up with everyone else.

Skyler:       You really expect me to say “Okay, Walt, sure, just stay here and–”  No, there’s got to be another way.

Walt:         There isn’t.  There was, but now there isn’t.

Skyler:       Walt, how long till you’re safe, till you can work this out?

Walt:         Oh, Skyler.  I have lived under the threat of death for a year now, and because of that, I’ve made choices….  I alone should suffer the consequences of those choices, no one else.  And those consequences–they’re coming.  No more prolonging the inevitable.


Episode 412: End Times

Jesse and Walt in Walt’s living room [26:10-34:35 / Act Three]

Walt:         What do you want?

Jesse:         We need to talk.

Walt:         Who’s with you?

Jesse:         No one, just me.  Let me in.

Walt:         I don’t know what you’re thinking coming here.  Oh, Christ.  What does it matter?  Everything, it’s all–all coming to an end.  Do you even know what’s happening–the full scope of what’s happening?  They took me out into the desert.  They put a hood over my head and drove me out into the desert on my knees.  They threatened my family–and not just Hank–my wife, my children.  It’s just a matter of time now.  I was–I was able to protect them for now, but Gus is going to make his move … and I don’t–I don’t know when.  I don’t know where or how.  All I know is it’s going to happen.  And I’m powerless to stop him.  What are you doing?

Jesse:         Why did you do it?  Why?

Walt:         Jesse, Gus gave me no choice.  I had to call the DEA to protect my family.  What else could I do?

Jesse:         No, you son of a bitch.  You know what you did.

Walt:         Okay, look, just–just put the gun down.  Okay?  Just put it down, and we’ll talk.  All right?  You tell me–tell me what it is you think I did.

Jesse:         Brock–Why did you poison him?

Walt:         Who’s Brock?

Jesse:         You saw him in my living room just last night.  You came to my door, and you looked right at him, so don’t tell me you don’t know him!

Walt:         The boy.  Jesse, I have no idea who these people are.  Now, please.  Okay, that’s Brock, and–and he was poisoned?  The ricin!  He’s dying because someone gave it to him, and only you and I were the only two people on earth who knew about it!  Now wait a minute.  Wait a minute.  Maybe he went into your pockets and…

Jesse:         No!   I had it.  I had the cigarette with the ricin in my pack this morning.  The last time I saw Brock was last night, and this morning I switched the cigarette into a new pack.  There’s no way Brock took it himself!

Walt:         Jesse, you’re not thinking clearly.  Listen, you said it yourself that you had it this morning.  Then when could I have possibly gotten it?

Jesse:         You–you had Saul do it.

Walt:         What?

Jesse:         Yeah.  Yeah, I went to his office.  He called me and just had to see me today.  His big man-mountain bodyguard patted me down.  That’s when he must’ve stolen it off of me, right?  That’s the plan?  Was that the plan?

Walt:         Jesse–Why?  Why in God’s name would I poison a child?

Jesse:         To get back at me!  Because I’m helping Gus, and this is your way of ripping my heart out before you’re dead and gone!  Just admit it!  Admit what you did!  Admit it!

Walt:         I did not do this!

Jesse:         Shut up!  Stop lying!

Walt:         I’m not–I’m not lying.  I’m not lying.  Just listen to me.  Listen to me.  What would I have to gain?  What possible, possible could…who…who would…Oh my God.

Jesse:         Hey–Stop laughing.  Stop laughing!

Walt:         I have been waiting.  I have been waiting all day, waiting for Gus to send one of his men to kill me–and it’s you.  Who do you know who’s okay with using children, Jesse?  Who do you know who has allowed children to be murdered?  Hm?  Gus!  He has–he has been ten steps ahead of me at every turn, and now the one thing that he needed to finally get rid of me is your consent, and boy he’s got that now.  He’s got it.  And not only does he have that, but he manipulated you into pulling the trigger for him.

Jesse:         Only you and I knew about the ricin!

Walt:         No!  You don’t even believe that–Gus’ cameras everywhere.  Please.  Listen to yourself.  No.  He has known everything all along.  Where were you today?  In the lab?  And you don’t think it’s possible that Tyrus lifted the cigarette out of your locker?  Come on!  Don’t you see?  You are the last piece of the puzzle.  You are everything that he’s wanted.  You’re his cook now.  You’re the cook, and you have proven that you can run a lab without me, and now that cook has reason to kill me.  Think about it!  It’s brilliant!  So go ahead.  Go ahead.  If you think that I am capable of doing this, then go ahead.  Put a bullet in my head and kill me right now.  Do it!  Do it!

Jesse:         I’ll do it.

Walt:         Do it.  Do it.  … Where are you going?

Jesse:         I’m going to find the son of a bitch, and I’m going to kill him.

Walt:         No.  Don’t.  He’ll see you coming.  You’ll die before you get anywhere near him.

Jesse:         I don’t care.

Walt:         Jesse.  Jesse, just get in your car.  Just go.  Just drive.

Jesse:         No, I’m going to do this one way or another, Mr. White.

Walt:         Then let me help.


Episode 413: Face Off

Walt and Skyler talking on the telephone [47:05-48:18 / Act Four]

Skyler:       Walt–

Walt:         How are you doing?

Skyler:       How am I doing?  How are you doing?

Walt:         I’m doing quite well.  I’m good.

Skyler:       Jesus, Walt, the news here.  Gus Fring is dead.  He was blown up along with some person from some Mexican cartel, and the DEA has no idea what to make of it.  Do you know about this?  Walt?  I need you to–

Walt:         It’s over.  We’re safe.

Skyler:       Was this you?  What happened?

Walt:         I won.