Summaries from Season 5, Part 2

Episode 509: Blood Money

Teaser / Chapter 1 [0:00-4:25]

Teenagers skateboard in the dry pool of what appears to be an abandoned home. A car pulls up front and the camera pans to show that the property is surrounded by fence with warning signs posted. Walt gets out. He’s got a full head of hair and shaggy beard. In the living room of the empty house the word “HEISENBERG” is spray-painted on the wall. Walt walks down the hall and it’s clear this is a flash-forward scene from the White home. Walt goes to the bedroom and gets the ricin pill from behind the switch plate. He walks back out front and spots a terrified neighbor unloading groceries. He says “Hello Carol” and she drops the bag she was holding to the ground. [0:00-4:08]

Act One / Chapter 2 [4:25-15:07]

In present day, a stunned Hank exits the bathroom holding the Walt Whitman book. He puts the book in a bag and looks out the window at Walter. He walks outside, tells Marie he isn’t feeling great and says they need to leave. [4:25-7:33]

On the ride home Hank can barely focus on the road as Marie talks about Europe. He starts having an attack of some kind and runs onto a person’s lawn. He falls out of the car and Marie yells for the homeowner to call an ambulance. [7:33-8:51]

Back from the ER Hank assures Marie there is not a need for him to see a doctor. He makes her promise not to tell Skyler. Hank gets out a folder and compares the handwriting from the Whitman book to something else Gale wrote. It looks like a match. [8:51-10:18]

At the car wash Walter reminds Skyler that their “story” needs to come first. Along those lines he thinks they should buy an additional car wash, as it will take years to launder all their cash. Lydia arrives for a wash. She goes inside and complains that the quality of the meth she’s gotten is only 68 percent. She wants Walt to come back for a few days and make things right again. Walter tells her problems are none of his concern. Skyler walks in and suspiciously notices that Lydia was there washing a rental car. Walter tells her that Lydia is a “former business associate” interested in him returning. Skyler follows Lydia outside and threatens her, telling her to leave and never return. [10:18-15:07]

Act Two / Chapter 3 [15:07-26:15]

The following morning Hank tells Marie he’s not going into work. On her way out she sees two men delivering boxes. Hanks tells them to put them in the garage. They leave and Hank starts going through files related to everything related to the blue meth (Gus, Heisenberg, etc.) [15:07-18:21]

Skinny Pete and Badger get stoned at Jesse’s place. Jesse grows tired of their inane Star Trek conversation and leaves. [18:21-21:03]

Jesse brings his giant bags of money to Saul’s office, and sits in his waiting room. He grows tired of waiting and lights up a joint. This gets him right in to see Saul. Jesse says each bag contains $2.5 million and he wants one to go to Mike’s granddaughter and the other to Drew Sharp’s parents. Saul seems uncomfortable with the whole thing but Jesse is adamant. Jesse leaves and then Saul calls Walter. Walter tells him to hang on to the money, adding “I’ll handle it.” The camera pans, showing that Walter took the call while taking a course of chemotherapy. [21:03-26:15]

Act Three / Chapter 4 [26:15-37:40]

Walter shows up at Jesse’s door with the money and asks for an explanation. Jesse responds “It’s like you said, it’s blood money.” Walter tells Jesse to stop focusing on the past. He tells Jesse that he’s out of the drug business himself and says there’s nothing for them to do but live good lives. A teary-eyed Jesse thinks Mike’s granddaughter needs someone to look after him. Jesse thinks Mike is dead and thinks Walter knows it. Walter denies having anything to do with Mike’s death and tells Jesse that he thinks Mike is fine. [26:15-32:51]

Walter excuses himself from dinner and rushes to the bathroom to vomit. He looks above the toilet and appears to notice that the Whitman book is missing. [32:51-34:49]

Later that night he’s still searching their home for the book. He gets into bed and asks Skyler what is wrong with Hank. She tells him Hank hasn’t been to work all week. Later that night Walter goes outside and checks the bottom of his car. He finds a tracking device. [34:49-37:40]

Act Four / Chapter 5 [37:40-46:38]

A homeless man knocks on Jesse’s window, waking him up. He asks if he can spare some change and Jesse offers him a stack of cash. The man eventually accepts and Jesse drives off. Jesse drives through an impoverished neighborhood tossing money onto random lawns. [37:40-39:33]

The two cops who dropped off the files ask Hank if Gomez should be worried. Hank assures them he’s fine. As they leave Walter pulls into the driveway. Hank nervously clears some photos. Walter plays dumb and asks how Hank’s feeling. He tells Hank to let him know if there’s anything he can do and walks away. Walter stops, turns around and shows him the tracking device. He says it looks just like the one they used on Gus and asks if Hank knows anything about it. Hank closes the garage door behind Walter and then punches him in the face. He puts Walter up against the door and says “it was you!” and goes through all the things he’s done to cover. Walter tells Hank his cancer is back. He tells Hank he’s dying and that even if he was able to get a jury to believe that he’s Heisenberg, he won’t live long enough to see the inside of a prison. Hank tells him to bring Skyler and the kids to his house and they can talk. Walter says that will never happen and Hank responds that he has no idea who he is even speaking to. Walter says that if Hank doesn’t know who he is, perhaps he should “tread lightly.” [39:33-46:38]

Credits / Chapter 6 [46:38-47:21]


Episode 510: Buried 

Prologue / Chapter 1 [0:00-3:10]

Open with an old man finding some of the cash Jesse threw from his car. He walks across the street and sees Jesse’s car in the middle of a playground with one of its turn signals on. On the seat is the bag of money. He turns and sees Jesse lying on a roundabout, spinning idly. [0:00-2:52]

Act One / Chapter 2 [3:10-13:09]

Walt walks out of Hank’s garage and tries to get Skyler on the phone. When he can’t, he realizes that she’s talking to Hank. Walter races to the car wash but finds that Skyler has left. [3:10-5:39]

Hank meets with Skyler at a diner. He’s sympathetic and tells her he doesn’t blame her for being forced into participating in Walt’s schemes. During the conversation Hank tells Skyler about Walt’s cancer being back. He then pulls out a tape recorder and says it’s important she tell him exactly what Walt did. Skyler wonders if she ought to get a lawyer and Hank tells her that they need to get her story onto the record first. He says he has her best interest in mind, but Skyler isn’t so sure since he’s not advising her to seek legal counsel. When he suggests that she bring the kids to his house she demands to know if she’s under arrest and leaves. [5:39-13:09]

Act Two / Chapter 3 [13:09-25:42]

Kuby and Huell open up the storage locker with Walt’s cash. Huell lies on top of the pile and eventually Kuby joins him. [13:09-14:42]

Walt meets with Saul. Skyler calls but Saul advises him not to answer in case the call is tapped. Saul suggests sending Hank “to Belize,” but Walt is adamant that option is off the table. Huell and Kuby arrive at Saul’s office with a truck filled with the cash. Walt gives Saul a bag of cash and drives toward heads to the dessert where he begins to dig. [14:42-19:24]

Marie comes by to visit Skyler. The two talk about the extent of Skyler’s knowledge of Walt’s business and Skyler begins to cry. When Skyler has to admit she knew about Walt’s drug business before Hank was shot, Marie slaps her across the face and leaves the bedroom. Marie then tries to leave with Holly. Skyler demands she leave her child alone. Hank comes in and tells Marie to give Skyler back her baby. In the car, Marie tells Hank “You have to get him.” [19:24-25:42]

Act Three / Chapter 4 [25:42-40:13]

Working into the night Walt manages to bury all of the money. He records the exact GPS coordinates where the money is buried. [25:42-27:34]

Walt returns home and literally collapses on the bathroom floor as Sklyer asks where he was. He wakes up hours later and Skyler asks if his cancer is back. She asks “Is this it?” and Walt asks if that makes her happy. Walt says he’ll give himself up if she promises to keep the money and pass it to their children. She isn’t convinced Hank has a case yet and thinks it will be harder to keep the money if he turns himself in. Skyler suggests their best move is to “stay quiet.” [27:34-32:59]

Still dissatisfied with the unacceptable purity of the meth she’s getting, Lydia asks for a meeting with Declan. Declan’s men bring her blindfolded to the underground lab. Lydia criticizes the conditions, and points out that Todd was able to make higher quality meth than what Declan’s people are producing, but Declan responds he wasn’t able to work with Todd. Declan gets a message that there’s a problem above ground. Telling Lydia to stay put, Declan and his meth cook go up to the surface and Lydia sends a message on her phone. Up above, gunshots ring out. After a while, the door opens and Todd tells Lydia it’s safe to come out. She tells him she doesn’t want to see anything so Todd walk her through the bodies of Declan and his crew while keeping her eyes shut. Jack’s gang have killed all of them. [32:59-40:13]

Act Four / Chapter 5 [40:13-46:40]

Marie thinks Hank should take what he suspects about Walt to the DEA and have them help with his investigation. He says he can’t, because the second he tells them his brother-in-law was a meth kingpin he’ll lose his job. He has to come to them with a complete air-tight case, and be the one to put Walt away. [40:13-42:48]

Hank goes back in to the office. He sits at his desk and looks around. Gomez pops in Hank tells him he wants to setup a conference call with Ramey. Gomez then tells Hank about Jesse and the money. [42:48-44:18]

Cut to Jesse being questioned by detectives. He’s saying nothing. Hank drops by and asks the cops if he can spend a few minutes with Jesse. Hank walks into the room as the episode ends. [44:18-46:40]

Credits / Chapter 6 [46:40-47:22]


Episode 511: Confessions

Prologue / Chapter 1 [0:00-5:01]

Outside a diner in Arizona, Todd leaves Walter White a voice message about the recent change of management from Declan. Inside, he brags to his uncle Jack and his partner Kenny about his train heist of methylamine, mentioning Mr. White, but leaving out his role in shooting Drew Sharp. Jack gets confirmation from Todd that he’s ready to cook meth again. Jack and Kenny visit the bathroom, and Jack wipes considerable blood off his shoe with a paper towel and throws it in the toilet. The three then leave the diner and haul the methylamine back into New Mexico. [0:00-4:44]

Act One / Chapter 2 [5:01-14:57]

Hank enters Jesse’s interrogation room and tells him he knows that his brother-in-law is Heisenberg. Jesse, surprised, looks up at Hank. He suggests Hank beat the truth out of him. Saul Goodman then arrives for damage control, tells the police to leave, and scolds Jesse for blatantly throwing out his money. [5:01-9:41]

Saul calls Walt at home and tells him about the situation. Walt orders Saul to work his magic and get Jesse out. At home, while Walt applies cover-up to the black eye Hank gave him, he hears Walter Jr. asks for permission to go help Marie with a computer problem. Realizing this is a ploy to lure his son out of the house, Walt reveals to Walt Jr. that his cancer has returned. With teary eyes, Walt Jr. tells his father that he would prefer to stay home with his father in that condition. [9:41-13:18]

Hank arrives home and Marie chews him out for not telling the DEA about Walt’s true identity. [13:18-14:12]

At home, Walt sits down in front of a video camera. Skyler asks him, “Are you sure about this?” Saying nothing, Walt begins filming a statement. [14:12-14:57]

Act Two / Chapter 3 [14:57-33:32]

The Whites and the Schraders meet at a Mexican restaurant. Without admitting anything, Walt asks Hank to discontinue his investigation as this would devastate his son and destroy his family. Marie coldly tells Walt to kill himself, as Walt’s actions would die with him, while Hank suggests that Walt would not get off that easily. After they reach this impasse, Walt places a DVD on the table before leaving with Skyler. [14:57-20:33]

At the Schrader residence, Hank and Marie watch the DVD. In the DVD, Walt claims that Hank had a business partner named Gustavo Fring, and that Hank sold Walt into servitude to him. Eventually Hank and Gus had a falling out, and Gus put a hit on Hank. Left wounded by this failed assassination attempt, Hank got Walt to pay his medical bills, amounting to over $177,000. Walt further claims that Hank was bent on revenge and worked with Hector “Tio” Salamanca to kill Gus, using the bomb that was built by Walt to do so. Walt references Hank “taking” their children and says that when he recently tried to quit Hank punched him in the face. After the video ends, a shaken Hank asks Marie about Walt’s statement about paying Hank’s medical bills. Marie has to admit that she took money from Skyler, thinking it was proceeds from Walt’s gambling. Hank is crushed and tells Marie that connection is the final nail in his coffin. [20:33-26:19]

Saul brings Jesse to the desert for a meeting with Walt. Saul and Jesse catch Walt up on what they know–that Hank knows some things but hasn’t told the DEA. Walt informs Jesse that Saul can contact someone that specializes in creating new identities. He advises Jesse to start over and have a better life–a legitimate job, a wife, a family. Jesse is skeptical and confronts Walt about his true motivations, telling him to stop “working him.” He confronts Walt, demanding that he admit that he’s planning to kill Jesse just like he killed Mike if Jesse refuses the offer to leave town. Jesse claims that Walt does not actually care about him, and only wants him to leave for his own goal of derailing Hank’s investigation. Walt embraces Jesse, who cries on his arms. [26:19-33:32]

Act Three / Chapter 4 [33:32-41:44]

Walt goes to the carwash and tells Skyler, “It worked. We’re fine.” [33:32-34:35]

At the DEA office, Gomez asks Hank why two of his agents are tailing Saul. Hank calls them off, then leaves the office for the day. [34:35-36:09]

In his office, Saul explains the work of the disappearer who will give Jesse a new identity far from Albuquerque. He emphasizes to Jesse that there’s no turning back now. Jesse gives the go-ahead and the meeting is set for one hour. A nervous Jesse lights up a joint and a furious Saul tells him the guy won’t take him if he’s high. Jesse puts out the joint but won’t give back the rest of his bag, putting it back in his pocket. Jesse then asks if he is allowed to pick wherever he desires, in which Saul suggests him to head to Florida, but Jesse ultimately decides to go to Alaska. Saul sends him with Huell and a bag of cash to claim a new identity in Alaska. [36:09-40:09]

Waiting for his pick-up by the side of the road, Jesse goes through his pockets, but can’t find his bag of marijuana. Jesse realizes Huell must have lifted his bag back in Saul’s office and pieces together that Walt must have had Saul instruct Huell to also lift the ricin cigarette from his person months prior at the time Brock was poisoned. Just as Saul’s guy pulls up Jesse picks up the bag of money and walks away. [40:09-41:44]

Act Four / Chapter 5 [41:44-46:38]

Jesse bursts into Saul’s office and begins savagely beating him. Saul tries to get his gun from his cabinet but Jesse steals it and uses it to threaten him. Jesse accuses Saul of lifting his cigarettes so that Walt could use the ricin to poison Brock. Saul confesses to that part, but says he had no idea what Walt was up to at the time. Jesse leaves with Saul’s car and gun. Saul calls Walt to warn him. [41:44-43:40]

After getting Saul’s message, Walt rushes to the car wash trying to raise Sklyer’s suspicions. He walks to the soda machine in the lobby, claiming to be investigating a broken latch, and retrieves his thirty-eight snub-nose revolver. He then tells Skyler that he needs to pick up a prescription and leaves the car wash. [43:40-46:02]

Back at the White residence, Jesse swerves Saul Goodman’s stolen car into the front lawn. He gets out of the car and grabs a tank of gasoline from the trunk. He then walks up to the front door and kicks his way in, furiously pouring gasoline all over the house. [46:02-46:38]

Credits / Chapter 6 [46:38-47:22] 


Episode 512: Rabid Dog

Teaser / Chapter 1 [0:00-4:16]

Walt parks his car down the street from his house just after collecting his revolver from the car wash. Saul’s car is parked in his driveway and the house door is open. With his gun drawn, Walt jumps the wall to the backyard and cautiously enters the house from the back entrance. The living room smells like gasoline and there’s a gas can lying on the floor. He notices that the carpet is soaked in gasoline, but there are no signs of Jesse. Walter checks every single room in the house to make sure, he then walks outside and investigates the interior of Saul’s car. There is used meth on top of a CD. Jesse’s been using, but mysteriously changed his mind before torching the house. [0:00-3:59]

Act One / Chapter 2 [4:16-21:11]

A cleaning crew is cleaning the carpet of the White house and a locksmith replaces the locks. Walt is insistent the locks remain exactly the same (surely to cover up what has happened from his family), and that the cleaning crew remove all traces of the gasoline scent. The cleaning crew says the scent cannot be removed because it has soaked too deep. Huell comes by to take back Saul’s car, and Walt tells him to stop by Walter Jr.’s school to make sure he’s okay. Walt tries calling Jesse, but he doesn’t answer, so he leaves a voice message telling him that they should talk about what happened. The crews leave and Walt ponders for a while before soaking his clothes and car in gasoline. [4:16-8:35]

Skyler returns and Walt tells her and Walter Jr. a story about a malfunctioning gas pump, saying that he unintentionally left his clothes soaked with gasoline lying on the living room floor, causing the bad smell. Walt Jr. urges his father to be truthful about the spill, thinking his cancer has caused him to blackout again. Walt suggests the family go to a hotel temporarily to escape the fumes. [8:35-12:49]

Outside the hotel, Walt gets in Saul and Kuby’s car to get an update on Jesse. They tell him they can’t find him. Saul suggests Jesse be taken out to pasture like the rabid dog Old Yeller. Walt angrily rejects the idea, and tells Saul he doesn’t want to hear this type of suggestion again. [12:49-15:44]

Back inside the hotel room, Walt tells a slightly drunk Skyler that he had been getting ice in the in the lobby, but Skyler was spying on him and saw Walt talking to Saul. She tells Walt she wants the truth about the gasoline and why about Walt’s secret conversation with Saul. Walt reluctantly tells Skyler that Jesse found out about something that he did and got angry, prompting him to attempt to burn their house. Skyler is shocked, saying that she knew that someday, somebody would come to their residence trying to hurt them. Walt tries to dismiss her fears, insisting that Jesse changed his mind and explaining that Saul is working on finding Jesse so they can talk and make peace. Skyler isn’t convinced by Walt’s talk. She tells Walt he needs to “deal with” Jesse given the risk he poses to their family. [15:44-21:11]

Act Two / Chapter 3 [21:11-30:35]

Hours prior to these events, Jesse drives Saul’s car and parks it in Walt’s driveway. He snorts a line of meth from the CD, grabs the gas can from the trunk, kicks the door down and pours gasoline all over the furniture and carpet of the White family home. He takes a lighter from his pocket and is about to torch the place when Hank enters the room and points his gun at Jesse. Hank orders Jesse to calm down and put out the lighter so they can talk. Jesse yells that Walt cannot just keep getting away with things, mentioning that he poisoned a child just to accomplish his needs. Hank suggests that there is a better way–he and Jesse can work together to take down Heisenberg once and for all. Hank takes Jesse to his car and they drive off just as Walt parks his car at the end of the street, barely missing Hank’s departure. [21:11-24:34]

Marie meets with her therapist, Dave, and talks about poisoning a “family friend” who betrayed their trust and endangered many lives. Dave tries to get details but Marie refuses. [24:34-27:54]

When Marie returns home, she notices two of her bags ready waiting for her at the entrance. Hank urges her to leave because he is dealing with something that Marie may not like. After asking Hank what’s going on, he tells her that he got Jesse to help him take Walt down, and he is sleeping in the other room. Upon learning this is bad news for Walt, Marie decides to stay and do what she can to help. Jesse’s cellphone rings inside Hank’s pocket, but he doesn’t answer. He listens to the voicemail shortly after and discovers a message from Walt, asking Jesse to meet with him. [27:54-30:35]

Act Three / Chapter 4 [30:35-41:05]

Late that night, Walter Jr. finds his father sitting by the hotel’s pool deep in thought. Walt stresses to his son that going to beat cancer again, and they hug. Walt Jr. heads back to his hotel room as Walt decides to leave Jesse another voice message. [30:35-33:06]

The following morning, Jesse wakes up, now slightly more sober, and sees Marie who asks if he wants coffee. He finds Hank and Gomez in the living room setting up a video recorder to get a confession from Jesse. After showing some initial concern to their approach, Jesse spills the whole can of worms–on everything from the rival dealers to the murder of Drew Sharp. Gomez tells Hank he believes Jesse, but they need solid proof to convince the rest of the office about Walt, since all they have until now is the word of a junkie. The three sit at the table to decide their next move. Hank reveals the second voice message left by Walt during the night, asking Jesse to meet him the next day at noon at the plaza. Hank asks Jesse to wear a wire and meet Walt, so they can finally get some concrete evidence on his criminal activities. Jesse is fearful about what Walt is capable of but agrees to wear a wire when Hank explains there is really no other way. When Jesse goes to the bathroom Hank makes it clear to Gomez that he couldn’t care less if Jesse is killed in the process of busting Walt. [33:06-41:05]

Act Four / Chapter 5 [41:05-46:30]

At the meeting location, Hank tapes a wire to Jesse and sends him on his way. The place is open and public. Walt is sitting on a bench in the middle of the plaza. As Jesse walks toward where Walt is sitting, he sees a hulking man staring at him. Worried that he’s working Walt, Jesse changes direction and heads for a pay phone. He calls Walt and tells him the meet is off because he saw what he was walking into, and now he is going to kill Walt. Jesse then walks off as a furious Hank picks him up on the next corner, complaining that Jesse blew up their last chance to get Walt. But Jesse tells him he has a plan to attack Walt “where he really lives.” Back at the plaza, Walt gets up from the bench and passes by the hulking man, who in the end was not associated with him at all–he was just watching his daughter play in the park. Walt gets in his car and calls Todd, telling him, “I think I might have another job for your uncle.” [41:05-46:30]

Credits / Chapter 6 [46:30-47:14]


Episode 513: To’hajiilee 

Prologue / Chapter 1 [0:00-6:13]

Jack, Kenny and Lydia observe the final stage of Todd’s cook in their compound. Todd measures the meth at 76% purity, but Lydia isn’t happy that the product is not blue. Later Todd takes Lydia aside and apologizes, saying he thinks he let the product get too hot. He thinks he can improve the color and quality, and makes an immature move on her which she deftly fends off. At this point, Todd gets a call from Walt telling him that he wants his uncle to take out Jesse. [0:00-5:56]

Act One / Chapter 2 [6:13-17:11]

Hank and Gomez meet after the failed sting and discuss options. Hank says that Jesse has a plan to get Walter, but Gomez doubts Jesse is able to come up with something useful. They approach him in the car. Jesse tells them that they need solid evidence of Walt’s criminal activities, but Walt got rid of any possible evidence linked to him, except for one thing–his money. If they can find the money, there is nowhere for Walt to run. Gomez asks if Jesse knows where the money may be, Jesse answers that he doesn’t–but there is someone who may know. [6:13-7:47]

At the Schrader home, Gomez tells Hank that Huell has been taken into witness protection to be interrogated about the money. Gomez is worried that maybe the guy will call for a lawyer, but Hank believes that he won’t, under the circumstances. Hank reaches in to a bag and pulls out a piece of bloody meat he got at the grocery store. He dumps it on the floor and tells Jesse “you’re up.” [7:47-9:08]

Hank and Gomez go to the DEA safe house where they are keeping Huell. Hank tells him that he knows he won’t spill the beans on Walt, but says he’s there because his life is in danger. Hank says Saul gave up Huell to Walt and that he’ll be after him soon. He shows Huell a cell phone picture that appears to be a dead Jesse with his brains blown out. The previously stoic Huell freaks out and tells Hank about collecting the money for Walt. He tells him where he got the barrels, how many barrels he got and where he and Kuby got the rental truck. [9:08-14:05]

Walt meets with Jack and Todd about taking care of Jesse. They say the only way they’ll kill Jesse is if Walt agrees to cook for them one more time. Walt reluctantly agrees. Walt doesn’t know where Jesse is, but has an idea about how to lure him out. [14:05-17:11]

Act Two / Chapter 3 [17:11-23:09]

Walt goes to see Andrea and Brock. He tells her that he’s worried about Jesse. He thinks Jesse is using again and can’t seem to track him down. Andrea leaves Jesse a voicemail telling him she’s with Walt and that he should call her. Walt then leaves and gets in his car. He calls Kenny sitting in a car next to Andrea’s house, telling him to look for Jesse at Andrea’s and reminds him to kill Jesse quickly and to take him away from there before Andrea or Brock can see it. [17:11-21:40]

Hank intercepts the voicemail from Andrea, muttering “nice try” to himself. Hank tells Gomez that the rental place no longer places GPS chips in their vehicles. Gomez thinks they might be at a dead-end, but Hank reminds him that Walt doesn’t know the trucks don’t have GPS. [21:40-23:09]

Act Three / Chapter 4 [23:09-35:30]

Saul shows up at the car wash, banters with Skyler and Walt Jr., and then talks to Walt outside. He tells Walt that Huell is missing, and is concerned at what this might mean, leading him to wear a bullet proof vest. Skyler watches them talk from inside the car wash. After Walt comes back inside, Skyler asks if they had any progress, and Walt gives her a vague reply. A few moments later, Walt receives a picture message of a barrel full of cash buried in the dirt followed by a phone call from Jesse. Jesse claims he’s going to burn everything–the one in the picture and the six others. [23:09-27:22]

Walt in a major panic jumps in his car and races to the stash site in the desert. Jesse says he’s going to burn $10,000 for every minute Walt’s not there and will burn it all if Walt hangs up to try and get back-up. Jesse keeps Walt on the phone as he drives to the place he buried his money. Walt becomes more defensive and more enraged at Jesse. He rationalizes his poisoning Brock in order to get Jesse to help him. And he reminds Jesse that he’d Emilio and Krazy-8 and the two drug dealers to protect Jesse. [27:22-30:39]

Once Walt arrives at the location where he buried the money, Jesse is no longer on the other end of the line and he doesn’t see anybody. Walt realizes he’s been lured into a trap, and quickly takes the battery out of his phone to disable the tracking signal. He sees a car approaching and calls Jack. He says he’s in danger and gives Jack the coordinates. Jack and his men immediately start grabbing weapons and loading up. While on the phone Walt sees that Hank and Gomez are with Jesse, and calls Jack again to tell him, “Don’t come.” Hank arrives on the scene, and yells at Walt to show himself. [30:39-35:30]

Act Four / Chapter 5 [35:30-45:29]

After a few minutes Walt walks out and gives himself up. Hank puts him in cuffs and reads him his rights. Walt calls Jesse a coward and Jesse spits at Walt. Walt then while handcuff pushes Jesse against the truck. Hank places Walt in Gomez’s truck and tells Gomez he should ride with Jesse in Walt’s car to keep them separate. The plan is for them to bring in a team and find the money. Hank calls Marie to tell her that he has Walt under arrest. She is overjoyed and a emotional. He assures the next few weeks will be tough but thinks they’ll get through everything. Just then Hank sees two vehicles arrive at the scene. It is Jack, Kenny and Todd, along with several other well-armed men. Handcuffed inside Gomez’s police car, Walt screams at Jack to stop, but nobody can hear him. Jack and his men quickly get out of their vehicles and draw their weapons. Hank and Gomez pull their guns and scream that they are police. Jack asks them to prove it by showing a badge. All the while Walt continues to yell at Jack’s men not to shoot. For several tense moments the two sides stand with weapons drawn. Jesse in Walt’s car passenger seat looks ready to bail. Finally, Jack and Kenny exchange glances and their gang opens fire on the agents. Hank and Gomez return fire and a huge firefight ensues. Walt is forced to seek shelter on the floor of the vehicle. [35:30-45:29]

Credits / Chapter 6 [45:29-46:12]


Episode 514: Ozymandias 

Teaser / Chapter 1 [0:00-5:06]

Open with a flashback to Walt and Jesse’s first cook. Jesse is complaining about how long things are taking and Walt is growing frustrated with his protégé’s disinterest in the process. While they wait for the meth to cook, Walt steps away and calls Skyler. He’s rehearsed the lie he tells her about why he’ll be late. They have a pleasant conversation, discussing dinner and some upcoming plans. Gradually, the desert scene changes, and Walt, Jesse, and the RV are replaced by the shootout scene from the end of episode 513. [0:00-4:50]

Act One / Chapter 2 [5:06-18:36]

Hank has been hit in the leg and is out of ammo. Gomez is dead. Hank tries to crawl to Gomez’ weapon but Jack stops him before he can get there. They grab his badge and see that Hank and Gomez are DEA agents. Jack is about to shoot Hank when Walt stops him and says Hank is his brother-in-law. Walt tries to say that the rest of the DEA doesn’t know anything and they can work something out. Walt tells Jack about the nearby $80 million in cash and says he’ll give it to him if he lets Hank go. Hank tells Jack to screw himself and points out to Walt that Jack’s mind was made up ten minutes earlier. Jack shoots Hank, killing him. Walt is devastated. [5:06-11:04]

Jack tells Walt he had a feeling something was going on when he was given specific GPS coordinates. Jack gives a shovel to Kenny. The neo-Nazi gang digs up the barrels and puts them in the back of Jacks’ truck. After Todd talks to Jack, he agrees to let Walter keep one of his barrels of money as long as shakes that there are no hard feelings. Walt agrees, but says they still “owe” him Jesse. Jack is fine with killing Jesse, but nobody’s seen him since the shooting began. Walt spots Jesse hiding under his car. The neo-Nazi gang pulls him out. Jack points his gun at Jesse and asks for the go-ahead. Walt nods yes. But just before Jack can pull the trigger Todd walks over and says it might be a good idea to torture Jesse back at their place and find out what he’s told the feds before killing him. Jack agrees. While Jesse is taken away Walt makes a point to reveal that he watched Jane die and chose not to save her. [11:04-18:36]

Act Two / Chapter 3 [18:36-30:06]

Walt drives away with the one barrel of cash Jack gave him in the back seat of his car. But his car took a bullet to the gas tank during the gun fight, and quickly runs out of gas. He gets out and starts rolling this barrel through the desert. He comes across an old Navajo man living on the reservation, and pays him cash for his pickup truck. [18:36-23:04]

Marie stops by the car wash and tells Skyler they need to talk. They go to the office where Marie tells her that Hank has Walt in custody and is currently processing him with Gomez. Marie tells Skyler that she and Hank will do what they can to help her because she is family, but there are conditions. She wants every copy of the fake confession tape Walt made, and demands that Skyler tell Walter Jr. everything. [23:04-26:52]

Jesse sits in an underground cage constructed by Jack’s gang. He’s chained hand and foot and his face shows horrific cuts and bruises from being tortured. Todd arrives gets him out and brings him to the lab. He locks Jesse to a ceiling tether and tells him they are going to cook. A picture of Andrea and Brock has been hung up. [26:52-30:06]

Act Three / Chapter 4 [30:06-38:35]

Back at the carwash, Walter Jr. doesn’t believe what he’s been told by his mother and aunt, pointing out that if it’s true Skyler has been lying to him for years. He eventually storms out of the room. [30:06-31:41]

Walter arrives home and begins frantically packing bags him for himself and the rest of the family. While he’s doing this Skyler, Walter Jr. and Holly return home. Walt demands that they pack as quickly as they can. But Skyler won’t do anything until Walt tells her what is going on and what happened to Hank. She is convinced that Walt has killed Hank and after Walt continues to ignore her questions, Skyler picks up a kitchen knife. She demands that Walt leave them, and a fight ensues. Skyler cuts Walt’s hand with the kitchen knife. After Walt pins Skyler to the ground, Walter Jr. comes to her rescue and calls the police while keeping his father from his mother. While Walter Jr. is talking to the police, Walt grabs Holly and gets into the truck. Skyler tries in vain to stop him and Walt speeds off. [31:41-38:35]

Act Four / Chapter 5 [38:35-46:29]

On the road, Walt changes Holly’s diaper in a public bathroom. Holly begins asking for her mother. [38:35-39:51]

Skyler, Marie and Walter Jr. are at home, surrounded by police. The phone rings. It’s Walt, and the officer tells Sklyer to answer. Walt begins to yell at her for not falling in line. He blames her for everything and takes responsibility for killing Hank. While talking, he breaks down and cries. Eventually Skyler apologizes and asks him to come home. Walt says he has more things to do and hangs up. [39:51-44:54]

Walt leaves Holly in a truck inside a firehouse, turning on the lights so she’ll be found and returned home to Sklyer. [44:54-45:45]

Walt stands waiting by the side of the road with his luggage and his barrel. He’s at the meeting place for Saul’s guy who makes people disappear. The disappearer’s minivan arrives, Walt gets inside, and the vehicle drives away. [45:45-46:29]

Credits / Chapter 6 [46:29-47:12]


Episode 515: Granite State 

Prologue / Chapter 1 [0:00-2:55]

Open with the minivan Ed the disappearer arriving at his vacuum cleaner store. Saul gets out. Ed tells Saul he’ll have to stay there for a few days until he can make final arrangements for Saul’s new life in Nebraska. He explains to Saul that he’ll have a roommate, since Walt is still there waiting his new identity. Saul asks how Walt is doing, and Ed turns on a camera and the screen shows a furious Walt pacing and knocking things over. [0:00-2:37]

Act One / Chapter 2 [2:55-13:08]

Two DEA agents drive a silent and somber Marie to her home. When they arrive, they find it has been broken into. [2:55-3:52]

At the neo-Nazis’ compound, Jack and his gang are watching Jesse’s weepy confession tape. Kenny forwards to the point where Jesse describes Todd’s shooting of Drew Sharp. Jack grabs his gun and heads to the cell where Jesse is chained to kill him. Todd asks him to wait so they can get more cooks from Jesse, but Jack interprets this as meaning Todd has a thing for Lydia. [3:52-6:35]

In his cell, Jesse takes apart the paperclip holding the picture of Andrea and Brock and starts to work on his shackles. [6:35-7:30]

In the basement of Ed’s shop, Walt tries to make plans with Saul to kill Jack and his gang. Walt tells Saul to help him find new hit men. Saul tries to discourage him from this, and suggests that Walt turn himself in to take the heat off his family. But Walt says he isn’t through until he kills Jack and gets his money back. Ed pops in and says that he’s ready to disappear Saul, but Walt will have to wait a few days on transportation. Walt says that Saul is coming with him, and Ed gives them a few minutes to talk. Walt tries to get tough with Saul but, collapses in a coughing fit as Saul grabs his stuff and tells Walt, “It’s over.” [7:30-13:08]

Act Two / Chapter 3 [13:08-22:08]

At the DA’s office, a dazed Skyler is listening to the team of prosecutors. They want her to give them something that will help them locate Walt, but she says she knows nothing. [13:08-14:33]

With cops watching the front of the White home, Todd and two other guys manage to sneak into Holly’s room at the rear wearing masks. Todd asks if Skyler has said anything to the police about Lydia, whom she met at the car wash. Skyler says she has not and Todd threatens to return if that changes. [14:33-18:04]

Todd meets Lydia at the coffee shop. She isn’t thrilled a woman who has seen her face has been allowed to live and says their business dealings are over because of the risk. Todd says he has 50 pounds ready to go, but she isn’t interested until Todd tells her it’s 92 percent pure and blue. He explains he’s now working with Jesse. This changes Lydia’s mind. [18:04-21:25]

Walt crawls out of the back of a propane delivery truck, where he’s evidently spent many hours. Ed, who’s been driving the truck, tells Walt: “Welcome to New Hampshire,” as Walt looks over acres of snow. [21:25-22:08]

Act Three / Chapter 4 [22:08-34:54]

Inside Walt’s new home, a small cabin in remote New Hampshire, Ed has set up Walt with the essentials and tells him that he’ll return in a month with more food and supplies. When Walt talks about leaving the cabin, Ed informs him that he’s the subject of a national manhunt and if he leaves will be found. Ed tells him the closest town is eight miles away, but if he finds out Walt has left his property he’ll never return. [22:08-25:50]

After Ed leaves, Walt grabs some cash from his barrel, puts on his Heisenberg hat, and walks to the entrance. He stares at the long, snow-covered road, but can’t bring himself to open the gate. He mutters to himself, “Tomorrow,” before trudging back to the cabin. [25:50-27:44]

Back in the cabin, Walt warms himself by the fire. [27:44-28:08]

Jesse has managed to remove his cuffs and is attempting to pile things in his underground cell high enough to reach the bars above. Todd shows up with ice cream and Jesse is able to re-cuff himself just in time. Jesse convinces Todd to take off the blanket so he can see the stars. After Todd leaves Jesse is able to get to the bars and unlock the door. He escapes the cell but the neo-Nazi gang catches him trying to scale a fence on the perimeter. He yells that they should just kill him because there is no way he’ll continue to cook for them. [28:08-33:04]

Todd arrives at Andrea’s place and rings the doorbell. He says he’s a friend of Jesse’s and says Jesse is in the SUV out front. Jesse, bloody and bruised, is in the vehicle banging his head against the window trying to yell despite the gag over his mouth. With Andrea’s attention on the SUV, Todd shoots her in the back of the head in full view of Jesse. Jessie is devastated. Todd gets back in the SUV and Jack reminds Jesse that they can still kill Brock if he rebels again. [33:04-34:54]

Act Four / Chapter 5 [34:54-43:36]

Fast-forward several months. In snowy New Hampshire, Walt waits for Ed to show up with another delivery. Inside the cabin, Ed tells Walt that Skyler is struggling with an inexperienced attorney and they she’s left the home which now has been fenced-off by the bank to try to stop kids from breaking in. Ed has brought another round of chemo, which he learned how to inject through watching YouTube videos. Desperate and lonely, Walt offers pays Ed $10,000 to stay an extra hour. During this time, Walt tells Ed that eventually he’ll come to the New Hampshire cabin only to find Walt’s dead body. Walt asks Ed if he’ll make sure the rest of his money gets to his family. Ed responds quietly: “If I said yes, would you believe me?” [34:54-40:58]

Walt has gotten so frail that later that night his wedding ring slips off his finger. He looks over at the boxes of Ensure Ed brought him and has an idea. He fills one with cash, wraps it with brown paper and leaves his property heading the bar in town. [40:58-43:36]

Act Five / Chapter 6 [43:36-52:40]

Walter Jr. is pulled out of class at school because of an urgent call from Marie. But Walt has paid a woman at the town bar to make the call and grabs the phone when Walter Jr. gets on the line. He attempts to explain that he never intended for things to happen the way they did. He begins to talk about sending $100,000 via Walter Jr.’s friend Louis. After listening for a while, Walter Jr. starts yelling at his father, telling him he’d killed Hank and put Skyler in a bad position. Walter Jr. finally tells his father to “just die already” and hangs up. Crushed, Walt next calls the DEA. He asks for the person in charge of the Walter White investigation, says he is Walter White, and leaves the phone off the hook. [43:36-48:43]

Walt takes a seat at the bar and orders a drink–Dimple Pinch neat. As the bartender is changing the channels on the bar’s TV, Walt hears the voices of Gretchen and Elliott from Gray Matter. He asks the bartender to return to that channel and watches them be interviewed by Charlie Rose. Gretchen and Elliott tell Charlie Rose that they’ve recently donated millions to help drug prevention in New Mexico. Rose asks if this is damage control due to their tie to the now infamous Walter White, meth manufacturer. Both Elliott and Gretchen completely minimize the role Walt had in Gray Matter. Walt looks furious as he watches this. Two police cars arrive at the bar, led there by Walt’s earlier call to Albuquerque’s DEA office. Police enter the bar with guns drawn, but Walt is nowhere to be found. [48:43-52:40]


Episode 516: Felina 

Prologue / Chapter 1 [0:00-3:56]

Walt gets into a snow-covered car in New Hampshire. He sees police lights nearby, but is able to escape in the car when he finds keys left under the visor. [0:00-3:38]

Act One / Chapter 2 [3:56-10:56]

Somewhere in the middle of the Southwest, Walt stops for gas. He pops open the trunk, which holds all his money and medication. He goes to the pay phone and places a call to someone on Elliot and Gretchen’s staff, pretending to be with the New York Times. He’s able to get their schedule and home address. [3:56-6:58]

Gretchen and Elliot arrive home. Walt is waiting for them just outside and follows them in as they make small-talk. After a startled Gretchen and Elliott discover Walt, he tells them he’s there to give them something. [6:58-10:56]

Act Two / Chapter 3 [10:56-18:33]

Gretchen and Elliott help him bring approximately $9 million in cash into the living room. He tells them that after he’s gone they are going to create a trust for his children using that money. Walt thinks it will be believable since they will appear to be benefactors looking after the innocent victims of their former colleague. Elliot quickly tells Walt what he wants to hear, saying they will honor his request. At this point Walt makes a gesture and two infrared beams come in through the window and point at Elliot and Gretchen’s chest. Walt says he used $200,000 to pay a pair of assassins. If Gretchen and Elliot don’t keep their word and create the trust, the assassins Walt hired will kill them. [10:56-16:29]

Walt returns to his car and picks up Badger and Skinny Pete on the road. They’d been been using laser pointers to simulate laser-precision rifle targets. Walt asks them about the blue meth that is now on the streets and the two of them seem surprised Walt wasn’t the one responsible. Walt realizes Jesse is cooking. [16:29-18:33]

Act Three / Chapter 4 [18:33-25:25]

Open with a flashback of Jesse working on his wooden box in high school shop class. But in the present, he’s still chained up and forced to cook meth for Jack neo-Nazi gang. [18:33-19:58]

Flashback to the prior scenes of Walt getting his weapon at the diner and returning to his home to retrieve the ricin. In the living room he has a flashback from episode 101, in which Hank suggests Walt joins him on a drug bust. [19:58-21:31]

Lydia meets with Todd at the coffee shop. Walt, who’s been waiting for them to arrive, surprises them and pulls up a chair. He tells Todd that he knows he’s almost out of Methylamine and wants to sell them a new meth-cooking recipe without using Methylamine for $1 million. Lydia says she thinks Jack should hear his offer and Walt says he’ll be up there later that night. As soon as Walt leaves, Lydia makes it clear to Todd that after Walt arrives at the compound, Jack’s men will kill Walt. [21:31-25:25]

Act Four / Chapter 5 [25: 25-37:04]

Alone somewhere in the desert, Walt works on an automatic firing mechanism for a gun. It’s attached to one of the buttons on his car’s key chain. [25:25-26:52]

Marie calls Skyler and says that Walt is back in town. She tells her that his car has been spotted and the neighbor to whom he said hello while retrieving the ricin reported the incident. Marie says that the police are watching her, Skyler and Walter Jr. [26:52-29:20]

After they hang up, the camera pans to show Walt in Skyler’s kitchen with her. Walt gives Skyler the lottery ticket with the GPS coordinates and says that Hank and Gomez’s bodies are buried there. He thinks she should be able to use this information to bargain with the prosecutor. Walt admits to Skyler that he did everything “for me. I liked it. I was good at it. And I was … alive.” Walt asks to see Holly one last time, then watches from afar as Walter Jr. comes home from school. [29:20-37:04]

Act Five / Chapter 6 [37:04-54:35]

In the evening, Walt pulls up to Jack’s compound. Kenny gets in the car and leads him to clubhouse. Walt doesn’t park the car in exactly the way Kenny instructs. Walt is frisked and his wallet and keys taken. Inside Jack quickly orders that Walt be taken out back and killed. On his way out Walt accuses Jack of partnering with Jesse, who he was supposed to have killed. This offends Jack, and he sends for Jesse to show Walt that Jesse is not his partner but his slave. As Jesse is brought into the room in shackles, Walt manages to grab his keys from the pool table. He tackles Jesse, then pushes one of the buttons. The gun begins firing from his car’s trunk and it kills everybody in the room except Walt, Jesse, Todd, and Jack. Jesse chokes Todd to death with his shackles and Walt shoots a wounded Jack before Jack can try to trade his life for the barrels of money. Walt then gives Jesse the gun he’s holding and tells him to finish him off. Jesse sees that Walt has been shot in the stomach by the gun and tells Walt to do it himself. Walt answers Todd’s phone; it’s Lydia. Walt asks if she’s feeling sick and informs her that he added the ricin to her Stevia when they last met in the cafe. Jesse finds a car and takes off, bursting through the compound gate while screaming for joy. Walt walks over to Jesse’s cooking operation and looks around. He places his hand on one of the tanks as police arrive in the background. He falls to the ground, dead of his gunshot wound as police arrive with guns drawn. [37:04-54:35]

Credits / Chapter 7 [54:35-55:13]